Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception In History
With a 50-year academic career focusing on Historical Climatology, Dr. Tim Ball is uniquely qualified to address man-made climate change, and he demonstrates that it is a flat-out hoax. Thinking people everywhere should get multiple copies of this book and hand them out to everyone they know. ⁃ TN Editor
Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead...
America is being doused every minute of every day with the toxic heavy metal lead as it is burned in "avgas" -- aviation gas, the fuel that powers most piston-driven aircraft (i.e. anything with a propeller)
Katie Hopkins: Paris Accord Is ‘Complete Fraud,’ US ‘Signed Away Billions’
DailyMail.com global columnist Katie Hopkins called the Paris climate deal an "absolute fraud," and said President Trump has shown "true leadership" by ditching it
After Fort McMurray Wildfire Report, Alberta NDP Government Must Pay A Price
Brian Jean – Alberta Opposition Leader – has called for a public inquiry. Jean himself lost his home in the fire. Jean ripped the government for hiding the report
VIDEO: Environmentalist Admits Paris Climate Accord Does Nothing For Environment
Paris Accord does nothing for environment
Poor co-ordination and communication hindered battle with Fort McMurray wildfire, says leaked report: Wildrose...
A wall of fire rages outside of Fort McMurray, Alta., on May 3, 2016. (Terry Reith/CBC)
Unless better prepared, Alberta 'can expect similar or worse...
Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming...
Al Gore is either a complete moron, or a devious liar who peddles junk science to the gullible masses. Or maybe, just maybe, he’s somehow both
The Paris Accord Is A Globalist Scam, by Spencer Fernando
Meanwhile, Canada and the United States are asked to cut back
Weather Channel Founder Backs Trump, Tells The TRUTH About Global Warming and the Players…...
There’s been less than one degree temperature change since 1978 and no warming to speak of since 1998. So where is the government getting their information from?
Trump is right to stand up to the nonsense that is the Paris deal
The Paris Agreement is nothing but a lofty and symbolic United Nations initiative – one that facilitates smug liberal virtue-signaling, big government intervention in the economy and socialist redistribution of wealth