Are the NDP, Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix lying about no mandates just for votes?



The Old Guard Is Being Exposed & Forced To Destroy Itself, Nothing Can Stop This – X22 Report


The [DS] is in trouble. Trump is continually exposing the [DS] and forcing the [DS] to destroy themselves. Obama has now endorsed Kamala and now she will become the nominee. They will try to remove Biden to take control of the Residency. When the shine wears off they will most likely try to swap Kamala out for another candidate last minute.

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All source links to the report can be found on the site.


Bonnie Henry lifts vaccine mandates for health care workers



The Not-So-Obvious Signs of Justin Trudeau’s Socialist Revolution In Canada, by Brad Salzberg


“Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them),” speaks to our Liberal government’s covert agenda of socio-political transformation.

by Brad Salzberg

July 26, 2024

The signs along the road toward successful socialist revolutions of history are not always easy to identify. Obscuring the path toward governmental transition from a free and democratic society to an authoritarian state takes careful calculation. For this purpose, a ruling government has to ensure that a nation’s media is in-the-pocket.

A recently released book titled Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them),” written by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec, speaks to the issue of Canada’s Liberal government’s agenda headed up by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Condemned by leftists as “far-right” fear mongering, its contents reveal socialist political methodologies which parallel PM Trudeau’s approach to governance in contemporary Canada.

Common to the endeavours of 20th century socialist revolutionaries like Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin is to establish a fundamental of Marxist philosophy: the creation of a society populated with “haves and have-nots.”

Read More HERE



Keean Bexte interviews Justin Trudeau on Chesterman Beach Tofino



Propane Being Used In British Columbia To Power Its Electricity Charging Stations ! Is This True?, by Brian Peckford


by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

July 26, 2024

Propane Being Used In British Columbia To Power Its Electricity Charging Stations ! Is This True? 


You got that right.

Richard Mason a former  BC Utility Commission Board member reports on his website ‘ just and reasonable ‘ that this is really true:

“On April 30, 2024 the BCUC granted BC Hydro, BC’s largest electrical utility, a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to build four “off-grid” public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations powered by propane generators.

The sites are on Highway 97, approximately 113 km west of Fort Nelson, and on Highway 37, approximately 153 km north of Stewart.

BC Hydro considered some alternatives to propane generation, such as solar and batteries in combination, but rejected them because of inadequate sun exposure and low winter temperatures.

The investment is in support of the government’s CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 to complete “BC’s Electric Highway by ensuring broad geographic coverage across the Province for fast-charger EV sites by Summer 2024” and the government’s zero-emission EV targets set out in the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act.

Construction is expected to begin in May 2024, and the stations should be open to the public by September 2024, meeting the government’s timeline for “implementing geographic connectivity across the province.”

This demonstrates once again just how crazy our Governments have become.

Gotta keep your green promise even if it isn’t green —-???????

Chart of the Day (CotD) Bulgaria Covid and Excess Deaths, by Eldric Vero

vector color map of Bulgaria country

by Eldric Vero

July 26, 2024

The following articles are relevant to this CotD:

1)      The Sofia Globe June 30, 2024  “Bulgaria ends daily publication of official statistics on Covid-19” (see link:  ).  As per the article: The ministry said that the World Health Organization had on May 5 2023 cancelled its declaration of a public health emergency regarding Covid-19.  Subsequently, in Bulgaria, the requirement for immunisation certificates, as well as for mandatory isolation and quarantine for mandatory isolation and quarantine for persons ill with a coronavirus infection and those in contact with them, was phased out.

2)      BBC News July 21, 2024 “Covid-19 doesn’t follow normal seasonal patterns, like other respiratory viruses – waves of infection can happen at any time of year.” (see link: ).   As per the article: But this still leaves the question of why this year-round effect is mainly being seen with Covid-19 rather than other respiratory infections?  These are all still questions which could take years or decades to properly answer.  “Indeed before 2020, we used to call coronavirus infections summer colds because they were less obviously skewed towards the colder months, so this is not a surprise.”

The author of the CotD has combined analyses of Covid-19 and Excess Deaths (all causes) as these are related.

Panel 1   The first graph is a construct by the author as a standard CotD presentation which illustrates Covid-19 related deaths (CRDs) and vaccinations.   The CRD rate was at a low rate from the outset of the SARs-CoV-2 pandemic in March 2020, however, the CRD took-off by October 2020 and continued into Q2’2021.  As is fairly typical, the CRD rate subsided somewhat into the summer of 2021, however, continued at a high rate into Q2’2022.  The vaccination program began in January 2021 with accelerated injection rates into Q4’2021. The booster program was initiated in October 2021 with extremely high injection rates into Q1’2022.   The vaccine-to-death correlation (yellow shaded) appears to be self-evident. The CRD rate has declined significantly since mid-2022 as vaccination uptake is essentially zero.  Total CRDs to date represents 0.57 percent of the population.


Panel 2   Observe the cyclical nature of deaths or all-cause mortality since 2015.  The “Blue” line represents data prior to March 2020 and the “Red” line represents data since the SARS CoV-2 pandemic was initiated in March 2020.  The “Green” line represents the “Expected” deaths (CotD Model) based on historical averages.  The author has utilized the five year period January 2015 to December 2019 in order to calculate an average normalized curve for Weekly Deaths.  The Expected (CotD Model) deaths incorporates an average 0.5 percent growth factor which appears to be a good match to the overall trend.


Panel 3   This presents the magnified portion (January 2020 to January 2024) of the graph in Panel 2.   The “Orange” line represents “Excess Deaths” which is calculated by subtracting Expected Deaths from Official Deaths.


Panel 4   Based on the data and this author’s model 57,089 Excess Deaths have occurred since the start of the pandemic, of which 39,848 Excess Deaths (70 percent) have occurred since the start of Covid-19 injections in January 2021. This compares to 62,912 Excess Deaths since the start of the pandemic as per the website.

“If you call one wolf…you invite the pack” Bulgarian Proverb

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Scott Wiper – We Are Coming Full Circle, It’s Like We Are Watching A Movie – X22 Report


Today’s Guest:Scott Wiper
Flynn Movie ->
Scott Wiper On X – >

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Scott Wiper is an American filmmaker: producer, director, and screenwriter.  Scott Wiper wrote, produced, and directed his first feature, Captain Jack (1995). Known for his action films such as The Big Ugly (2020) and The Condemned (2007), FLYNN (2024) is the first documentary in his filmography.Scott begins the conversation on why he decided to work on the Flynn movie which was his first documentary. The Scott explains that he learned a lot more about the [DS] as he looked into Flynn. The country has been taken over by criminals. From the beginning we have Obama and Clinton spying and trying to bring down Trump. We have come full circle and we are about to finish the movie.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.



Impeach Wray



“You can see the snipers on the building behind the podium, aiming at the trees