PRIORITIES: Trudeau’s Foreign Billions Ignores Nunavut’s Food Insecurity

Despite serious problems and struggles being faced by Canadians across our country, every year more of our taxpayer money is taken from us and given away outside our borders.

WATCH: BBC Anchor Panics & Abruptly Cuts Off John McLaughlin When He Brings Up...

It’s a known fact that Hillary Clinton sold Uranium to the Russians. Why is it so hard for people to think of the Clinton’s as the most corrupt couple in America?

Tucker Carlson Show: Democrat Professor Alan Dershowitz Said Most Accusations against Trump Are NOT...

Alan Dershowitz, a long time democrat and Hillary supporter, says, What's The Crime? A Must Watch!!!

Did Clinton & Podesta Order The MURDER of Seth Rich?

The evidence is quickly mounting against dark powers in Washington DC which are covering up the investigation into the MURDER of DNS staffer Seth Rich

JFK to 911 Author makes plea to Easton Spectator visitors for plans of Part...

Francis Richard Conolly is now crowd funding Part 2 of JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick; so be ready to donate!

Comey Admits Under Oath That Obstructions To Investigations “Never Happened”

Testifying under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3rd, Comey states that he has not been pressured to close an investigation for political purposes, "not in my experience."

Democrat Dennis Kucinich: ‘Deep State’ Trying To ‘Destroy The Trump Presidency’

Kucinich called the damaging leaks against President Trump a "clear and present danger" to the American way of life. He called on the anonymous leakers to have the courage to name themselves. "Our first allegiance is to our country," he added

Trudeau’s NEB plan is another “arrogant” affront to western Canada

He promised not to bring in a National Energy Program like his daddy did, but Justin Trudeau’s arrogant ways when it comes to western Canada are no different

Tea Party Activists: Media Attacks on President Trump ‘An All Out Assault on Our...

“The shock of President Trump’s election victory by everyday Americans so blindsided the press that they threw any loyalty to truth and long lost standards of journalism out the window

New York Times Oversells ‘Comey’s Revenge’ Story

turns out that Comey documented the conversation in a memorandum, “part of a paper trail” he reportedly created to release later to tell his side of the story in the event things went awry