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Chemtrails Exposed By Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists Soil & Water Tested High In Aluminum...

“When you aerosolize the storm track, you diminish and disperse the rain. This is not seeding to create rain, this is seeding to create artificial cloud cover. And because there are too many condensation nucleii, it tends to disperse that moisture as we have seen in California. Dane Wigington, having spoke in front of the California Energy Commission (which recognized this fact) – went on to state “when you have too many particles in the air, it diminishes rain, it does not augment it, because those particles are too small. Read More INSIDE

Former BC Premier Bill Vander Zalm talks about Geoengineering (Chemtrails) with Drex on CKNW

Vander Zalm Exposes Geoengineering to city counsels throughout British Columbia, but also applies for FOI with both the BC provincial government, and the Feds….

Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide Can’t Cause Global Warming

Why on earth do we attribute any heating of the oceans to carbon dioxide, when there is a far more obvious culprit, and when such a straightforward examination of the thermodynamics render it impossible.

CO2 Scam: Australian Senator Malcom Roberts, Dr. Tim Ball

Australia’s Parliament House hosts a discussion about the CO2 Scam. Senator Malcolm Roberts discusses the CSIRO and how it used to be a reliable source of science.

Media blackout over “unimaginable” radiation levels detected at Fukushima…

Almost no media outlets in the United States even mentioned the alarming news, either. As The Guardian reports, radiation levels have reach what experts call an “unimaginable” intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2, clocking in at 530 sieverts per hour.

Was President Trump shown the inside of a geoengineered jet?

POTUS @realDonaldTrump with the employees – celebrating the brand new @Boeing Dreamliner in Charleston, South Carolina, on Friday, February 17, 2017

Tucker vs Bill Nye the Science Guy – Spar Over Climate Change

Bill Nye the anti-science guy! He failed to mention that 2016 was the highest agricultural crop yield in recorded history thanks to CO2, cold weather kills 20X more people than hot weather, and human deaths from extreme weather events are steadily declining and extreme weather is not increasing. But facts don’t matter to him. (Justin Leigh)