MOX fuel melts through reactor floor… half life of 24,000 years




Published: February 6, 2017

(Natural News) There are times when I’m convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality. While everyone was busy watching Lady Gaga channel Satanic symbolism and occult imagery in front of 100 million viewers at the Superbowl, the Fukushima nuclear accident just got a whole lot worse.

Almost no media outlets in the United States even mentioned the alarming news, either. As The Guardian reports, radiation levels have reach what experts call an “unimaginable” intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2, clocking in at 530 sieverts per hour.

A sievert is a unit of radiation exposure, and exposure to just five sieverts in a short amount of time has a 50% kill rate among humans. When it comes to radiation exposure, the intensity of the exposure (which is the inverse of the duration of exposure) matters a lot. Absorbing five sieverts of radiation over a year’s time is not fatal, but exposure to five sieverts in just 60 seconds, for example, will almost certainly kill you from radiation poisoning (it’s a miserable way to die, by the way).

The level of radiation measured inside Fukushima reactor No. 2 is 530 sieverts per hour, or over 100 times the intensity necessary to kill most humans who are exposed for just a short time.

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Related Story from the Guardian HERE