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Equal Justice Under The Law [As Written], Declass Coming, Storm Is Coming, Pain Coming...

The [DS] has decided to go down the path the patriots laid out for them

The Police State Is Here – The Dan Bongino Show

In this episode, I address the shocking new moves by the deep state to intimidate and frighten team Trump.

Emergency! Carbon Credits Imminent! – Energy Crisis Leads To Chinese Style Technocracy! by Josh...

Josh Sigurdson reports on the controlled collapse of the grid, the supply chain and human civilization as we know it as governments around the world

Without Anglophone Inclusion Canada Has No Diversity, by Brad Salzberg

It’s a buzzword for our times– one vehemently promoted by government and mainstream media.

Message to the Unvaccinated

An Inspirational Tribute to the Unvaccinated

So What Happened To Freedom , Pierre? Oh, Yes , The Votes Are Counted…...

The Tragedy of It All —-And People Lapped It Up!!

Tripling Down, Will they ever admit they screwed up?, by Bruce O’Hara

I have to confess, I am astounded that governments and educational institutions are still pushing COVID vaccines.

1249 Athlete Heart Attacks, 847 Dead, Since Last Year

1,249 young healthy athletes have suffered sudden heart attacks or other serious issues since last year, disturbing new data has revealed.

“Ethically Unjustifiable” – Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times...

nine health experts from major universities showed that the COVID-19 vaccines are 98 times worse than the virus

Define Insurgency? Define Counterinsurgency, Operational Confirmed – X22 Report

The [DS] is panicking, they have deployed all assets, they are going after Trump with everything they have, this is exactly what the patriots want