Is being critical of a female politician actually sexist? by Brian Lilley

I worry we are actually at a point where sexism means being critical of women. For anything. Ever

Revolution JK! Thousands Gather, Climb The Gates At 10 Downing

Globalist Eugenicist Clampdown: First they come after Ireland's baibes, then they protect rapist in England... What next in George Orwell's Nightmare Tyranny

Kinder Morgan SHOULD Proceed, by Harvey Oberfeld

The danger to Canada’s Constitutional fabric …. if BC’s obstructionist refusal to accept the almost endless regulatory processes already carried out or acknowledge the responsibilities of the federalist nature of our nation … is greater than any possible damage from an oil spill

REPORT: Doug Ford Wins Final Ontario Leaders Debate (Full Debate Video)

https://youtu.be/k8GPir1uuk4 by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com May 28, 2018 Ford consistently put forward ideas to put money back in taxpayers pockets, while Horwath failed to answer questions about her...

GUNTER: Kenney’s Trudeau remarks? They sound about right

Kenney further attacked Trudeau’s ability to resolve the pipeline dispute between Alberta and B.C. – a dispute that threatens to kill the pipeline if owners Kinder Morgan back out this week. According to Kenney, Trudeau hasn’t “the foggiest idea what’s going on … He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. This guy is an empty trust-fund millionaire who has the political depth of a finger bowl.

NDP candidate wants huge carbon tax, by Brian Lilley

How big of a carbon tax do you want to pay? If Joel Harden, the NDP candidate in Ottawa Centre has his way it will soon be at least $150 a tonne

20 Priests Connected To Vatican Pedophile Ring Killed In Plane Crash

Sean Adl-Tabatabai May 26, 2018 20 Catholic priests connected to a Vatican pedophile ring were all killed in a plane crash in Cuba last Friday. The crash,...

Media Blackout as British Government Scrubs Reports on Tommy Robinson Arrest

Journalist Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison Same Day as Arrest!!!

Never Trust the CBC, by Candice Malcolm (Video added)

The CBC thinks you and I are “far-right.” Why? Well, according to the state broadcasting, opposing illegal immigration, worrying about ISIS terrorism, and loving our country is all it takes to be far-right these days

Canada: Migrant Crisis Leads to Fighting in the Streets as Police Stand Down (Video)

Last year, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited all self-professed “refugees” to his country via Twitter, effectively opening the borders without any vote or debate