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Shingles Vaccine Has Been Reported to Cause Shingles Virus

Many of us have vivid memories of our childhood encounter with chickenpox. The constant itching, fever, and fatigue left us pouting in our beds when we’d rather have been outside playing with our friends

Doug Ford Announces $25 Million To Fight Crime

While other politicians talk about a handgun ban that would only punish law-abiding Canadian gun owners without stopping crime, Doug Ford is pledging $25 million to actually focus on stopping gang and gun crime

The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part 2 & Part 3, by Jon Rappoport

“You see, censorship is good if the person being censored is someone you don’t like. That’s right. You didn’t know that, did you? That’s the secret meaning of the 1st Amendment.”

Saudi’s Take Advantage of a “Weak” Canada, Spencer Fernando joins Jim on the Goddard...

Was Ontario right to dump cap and trade carbon credits?

The war to destroy Alex Jones, Part One, by Jon Rappoport

Rivers of elite revenge are flowing

72 Years Ago Today, WWII Vets Took Up Arms Against Corrupt Cops and Ran...

In 1946, war-weary GIs began to return from World War II battlefronts in Europe and Japan, ready to resume life in their sleepy Tennessee town. What they found, instead, infuriated them to the core

PHOTO: Here’s Where Canada’s Foreign Oil Comes From

It’s a total embarrassment that we import oil from other countries

Las Vegas Police Close Investigation on Mass Shooting Because They Say They Can’t Figure...

Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo held a press conference Friday to release the final police report on the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history which killed 58 people and injured hundreds more

Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia, by Jon Rappoport

  Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now by Jon Rappoport http://www.nomorefakenews.com/ August 6, 2018 In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call...

REPORT: Jagmeet Singh Planning To Run In BC Byelection

Federal NDP leader thinks running in a safe NDP BC riding....