We’re all thinking the same thing: Why are you suddenly telling us to “buy Canadian” after crushing Canadian industry for the last 10 years?
In response to President Trump’s tariffs, you say that, “Now is the time to choose products made right here in Canada. Check the labels. Let’s do our part. Wherever we can, choose Canada.”
Sorry, but how can you to tell us to “choose Canada” after you’ve chosen everyone but Canada during your entire decade in office?
Since 2015, we’ve watched you put every other country above our own. We’ve seen you send billions of dollars to foreign nations while our veterans starve at home. We’ve listened to you and your liberals criticize our oil sands, all while you kept buying crude from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You did all of this as you drove Canada into the ground, but now want us to buy within Canada’s borders? You don’t even believe Canada should have borders.
If you really wanted us to buy Canadian, you’d abolish your absurd regulations. You’d lower your insane taxes. You’d invite business to set up shop in this country by promoting sound economics.
And yet, you do none of those things because you never mean what you say. You’ve done the complete opposite of what’s needed to strengthen our nation. You say you want to build Canada up? Then why have you spent the last 10 years trying to tear it down?
#canada #usa #money