by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


February 1, 2025

Dealing With The Americans —Here Are Some things We Can Do Now.

Pay our way in NATO now.

Prepare a border plan re drugs ‘with ‘the Americans in one month.

Prepare a public border plan ‘with ‘the Americans on migrants in one month.

Prepare phase out plan on supply management boards with firm deadlines within three months.

Prepare a plan to end internal trade barriers within three months.

Prepare plan to present to the Americans on how we can work together to protect the Arctic in six months

How about a public hearing questioning the present diplomats we have and their value  at our embassy in Washington and the 13 Canadian Consulates across America.

And In Canada :

Cause the First Ministers  to work on a new equalization formula. This is realistic in that a sufficient number of first ministers will not agree to eliminate the principle of equalization in the constitution. But the formula can be changed. One year deadline for a new formula.

Mention is already made of internal trade barriers.

Have we got what it takes to get this done!