Courtesy of Robert (Bob) J. Iverach, K.C., ICD.D

Lawyer, Tax Counsel and Corporate Director

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

January 25, 2025

Carney has no interest in being the PM of Canada beyond the next election. Carney will win the leadership campaign and will become the PM without a seat in Parliament. He will have a deal with the NDP to support the Liberals. He will then declare an economic emergency due to the Trump tariff proposals and use that to defer the next election another year to October 2026 (under the Constitution). During that time, Carney will impose the full WEF agenda on Canada, including digital currency and renamed carbon tax. He will resign before that election and leave Canada as the first post-national state. It will be a disaster for Canada!! Mark “Carney” my words!!

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  1. Jugmeet would not survive any further support of the Grits. There is no deal sweet enough, in my opinion, that would get him to change his mind. However, not being Old Stock Canadain, does introduce a very big caveat with regards to him being true to his word.

    So, Carney would have to survive the first confidence vote, which would expose Jugmeet as being a traitor to his own party. He would be dealt with by his own party, for the author’s presumed emergency declaration as such a declaration needs to be voted upon.

    Nice scary story, but I think there are too many improbabilies. I think Freeland will land the position.

    ”The USA does not owe us anything.”
    ( my apologies to our American neighbors for the noise upstairs)
    To all of those ,including the Clowns running ( and wanting to run) our governments who are panicked ,wondering and fumbling for what needs to be done to eliminate Tariffs and what deal can be made ,
    I can see it ,so let me open your eyes :

    You are ALL being fooled by a little diversion strategy…which if you were listening ( or had read Trump’s books) , has already been revealed.

    NOTHING you do will stop the U.S plan to implement tariffs.

    I can see it ,

    I Guarantee it !!

    Zero ,Nada,Zilch ,so forget it


    When Trump was first elected ,I strategically re-read his books in which he so graciously explains ALL his tactics .

    Because of his deservedly big Ego , he actually gave us a Gift :

    He published EVERYTHING you need to know when dealing with him !!

    btw: I wish our politicians were smart enough to do the same reading FFS !!

    After 45 years in biz I recognize that I have a gift for analyzing business deals ,I can smell a deal and am a deal maker myself …. and I REALLY understand his negotiating style and tactics…his strength is also his weakness , I can see it (but that is for another day )

    I’ve been listening very closely to his press conferences and have been reading between the lines .

    He’s a great salesman but he DOES have a huge ego ,so he can’t help himself from tipping his hand, many times doing so strategically and intentionally .

    Again ,if you keep running after his diversions, (Immigration ,fentanyl, which truly need to be addressed in any case) in the hopes that he will deal with you , your hopes will be chasing a moving target and are sorely misplaced…guaranteed.

    There is No Deal on the table !!

    Read his books , he never offered you a deal !!
    ( he only used an excuse to get you to do something you should have already been doing..and it worked )

    and don’t be so foolish as to disregard what you may think are “passing comments” .
    As I have learned, these are always Hugely important insights when you are in business .

    You have to look for clues to where the other guy is going.

    Here is what is REALLY going on ,I can see it :

    If you take the time for evaluation and analysis of Trump’s most recent and repeated “passing comments” such as :

    ” ..the United States was never wealthier than from 1870 to 1913. ”

    ” …the Federal reserve is doing a terrible job .”

    “We had a huge surplus under the old system of tariffs ”

    “…much better than the system we use now based on income taxes, which nobody likes.”

    REALLY important Note :

    1913 was the year the Federal Reserve ( which actually contravenes the U.S. Constitution) was founded by private bankers and whose fraudulent Ponzi scheme of “unlimited money printing” put the power of access to unlimited capital in the hands of politicians , circumventing the population’s approval on spending by imposing income taxes and corrosive inflation on their citizens without consent .

    (btw we basically have the same system here in Canada )

    It is clear to see that he is positioning for a Ground Breaking change .

    What I am seeing will become obvious to you too when you notice he will again repeat these same phrases and he will soon start denigrating the Federal reserve even more frequently.

    Within this term he will declare publicly that the Federal Reserve is illegal according to the U.S. Constitution ( which ,again ,it is) and he plans to return the USA to Tariff based revenue Permanently. plain to see.

    I Guarantee it !

    Trump Will continue with tariffs across the board because

    (Whether or not he plans to abolish income taxes is yet to be seen , but he is already hinting ).

    The last President who planned to do this was Kennedy , ‘nuf said !


    AMERICAN Tariffs are here to stay because Trump plans to free the American people from the chains of national debt by shutting down the ( criminal) Federal Reserve and Re-patriating the American Dollar .

    To the Clowns who are or are planning to be running our country :
    CANADA is one of the Richest countries in the World .
    The USA does Not owe us anything .

    STOP RUNNING AROUND LIKE CHICKENS with Your Heads cut off!!

    WAKE UP TO The REALITY that the CORRUPT SYSTEMS which you have built ,feed off and or support ARE COMING DOWN !!

    To those noble ones amongst us ; Work together on strengthening our country and helping those in this very disruptive moment by focusing on CANADIAN assets to solve our problems and Act accordingly to build OUR Country .

    if Trump and his Allies succeed , the CORRUPT banking system is coming Down and the shackles imposed on us by this system will be removed.
    (You don’t have to like him to understand what a monumental undertaking this is.)

    In the USA & CANADA our nation’s wealth belongs to its Citizens not a bunch of elite parasites … and Canada is one of the richest nations in the world ,so by extension ,we the People of Canada Should Be some of the wealthiest in the World ,right?

    We have homeless in the streets ,our elderly die in poverty , we are over regulated to the point of paralysis , the generations that follow cannot afford homes and we are taxed beyond reason to the benefit of very few .

    The USA does Not owe us Anything

    …but if its current administration lives to dismantle the Central Banking system ,(hopefully Canada will follow)… and if you TRULY understand what this means to the freedom and prosperity of future generations , Canadians will forever be in their debt .

    Canada is a great Country with great people.
    Together we can take on our own challenges and prosper ,
    if and when
    we are truly Free .

    I Can See it ,

    I Guarantee it !!

    humbly yours,
    Nelson Joseph Calfat