by Byron Christopher


January 19, 2025

Let me begin by saying this: censorship has been around for a long time. Like forever. It wouldn’t surprise me if religious censors put in overtime when the Holy Bible was written.

Combined with propaganda, censorship has been used by dictators, tyrants and so-called democracies to keep people in line … and to sway them to a particular way of thinking. That’s bad.

The really bad news is that it works.

What can you do about it, you ask? Simple. Think for yourself!

Don’t rely on any particular government, political party or media outlet, big or small, to do your thinking for you. And please, don’t become an ‘expert’ because you heard something on the radio, read a magazine story or watched a TV show. There’s a good chance you’re being played.

Let’s begin this blog piece with a thought-provoking meme from Jamie McIntyre, the CNN journalist known for his reports from the Pentagon.

Apparently, people clear across the globe haven’t figured it out either. 

I get ticked whenever I watch television news because of crucial stuff that’s missing from the stories. Cherry-picking facts is not balanced journalism; far from it. The banning of key information only makes people wonder what’s fact, what’s fiction … and who not to trust.

Journalism’s credibility has now fallen to an all-time low. That can’t come as a surprise to anyone.

It was a retired Canadian Press editor in Toronto [whose initials are Allen Gunderson] who first pointed out to me that NATO was heavily influenced by two NAZI generals on their payroll — including Adolf Hitler’s Chief of Staff. I’m not making that up. Talk about “bad optics.”

As repugnant as it sounds, it all makes sense when you think about it. Who better to oppose Russia than the same generals who planned the Nazi invasion [“Operation Barbarossa”] in 1941? The thing is, I didn’t know that — and here I was, a national award-winning journalist at the CBC. So much for being in the know.

The reason I was not aware that Nazi generals were part of NATO was that it was never talked about. Not on the news. Not taught in schools … not a whisper. It was one of these dirty secrets that didn’t get a lot of media attention, not unlike the 1,000 German rocket scientists/terrorists the US secretly allowed in the country after WW2 to set up NASA. Google: “Operation Paperclip.”

It was also under-reported that when the United Nations introduced a treaty banning torture [we’re talking in 1957 or so], only three countries refused to sign it, including the “bastion of democracy.” I don’t have to identify it because most know the country I’m referring to. Hint: it still operates torture facilities around the world. 

When I was on the editing desk at a private radio station in Edmonton, I added to a wire story from a Canadian reporter on assignment in Afghanistan that most of his trip was paid for by the Canadian Military, therefore, taxpayers: return air transportation, translation services, meals, accommodation and God knows what else. Key information like that was somehow not part of the reports. That’s why they’re known as junkets.

Media outlets that produce stories on new movie releases are on the same gravy train. No full disclosure.

The bottom line is that to some journalists, a government infomercial is more important than being transparent. This shit can’t end soon enough.


Always! If you’re thinking you’re getting the full story from a ‘legacy’ TV, radio or newspaper outfit that accepts millions of dollars of federal bailout money, you’re kidding yourself. It’s almost impossible to be fair and objective if a news organization is on the take.

It should be a requirement of all television news outlets to include in their casts the amount of money federal taxpayers are gifting them. Again, full disclosure. Let viewers decide if they’re getting the straight goods. The under-the-table payments are, for the most part, a dirty industry secret.

Bring up the subject of media bailouts and it’s like flicking on the lights and watching the cockroaches scatter.


These sites are FAR more independent than the legacy news. True, the sites are more opinionated and hold points of view which go against the grain of what traditional media feeds us. But so what? Forget the gizmos and polished TV anchors, many of these newcomers are holding the torch of free speech.

Check out the ratings of American podcaster Joe Rogan. If you’re Canadian, give Shaun Newman a listen. Real people. Real interviews.

These independent news sites often break stories and cover issues the Big Boys don’t have the guts or integrity to touch. The massive trucker’s protest story in Ottawa is a terrific example of where our paid-off media dropped the ball.

Here’s a shout-out to Michael Easton of Vancouver Island, B.C. who operates a site called The Easton Spectator [“Connecting the Dots”]. Easton, who had his journalism training in Edmonton, was one of the first in Canada to operate an online news site. He pulls no punches.

It was Easton who first reported the ‘geo-engineering’ behind those massive chemtrails in our skies. He researched the story — on his own dime, mind you — then challenged mainstream TV outlets to also report the facts. They slammed the door in his face.

The Easton Spectator receives zero federal funding, not that Easton can be bought off anyway. The man survives on reader donations. [full disclosure: I have donated to his site]. The only thing Easton gets free from Ottawa is harassment and censorship.

Look for the story of The Easton Spectator to be covered soon in the mainstream media. I’m just kidding.

For the record, this site [‘No News Release Journalism’] receives zero funding from governments, corporations and people like you. There are also no ads on my site. I’ve turned down advertisers and will continue to do so. This blog is a “labour of love,” and I’m at peace with that.

Click to enlarge these memes …

There are numerous independent news sites across Canada and the US. I won’t list them for fear of leaving someone out.

I’ve been interviewed by several of these alternative sites. For the most part, those who run them are not trained, professional journalists but, by and large, they’re more professional than reporters on the take. Let that sink in.

Speaking of trained journalists, former FOX TV reporters Tucker Carlson [‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’] and Clayton Morris [‘Redacted’] are giving the roaches headaches with their TV shows and podcasts.

Check out the meme below. Here’s a topical issue that’s not being covered in depth by the legacy media … how much of this did you know before seeing this? Again, click to enlarge.


One of the biggest screw-ups by news outlets bailed out by the Canadian government was the deliberate under-reporting of the controversial COVID vaccines. Canadians were assured by politicians and health officials that the jabs were “safe and effective,” parroting a line by health regulatory agencies in the United States. The increase in all-cause mortality rates in all countries tells a different story. If “safe and effective” wasn’t a conspiracy theory, I don’t know what is.

When doctors questioned the safety of the experimental shots, they were not only censored but had their licences taken away. They could no longer practice medicine. Income demolished. Any media outlet free of government funding should have no problem doing that story. After all, people are always interested in good journalism. They should be. Their future depends on it.

In Canada, a private inquiry looking into the vaccine controversy had its findings ignored by both the government and the media outlets Ottawa had propped up. Surprised? It’s called knowing where your bread is buttered.

Mortgages and car payments have done more to wreck journalism than we realize.

This is why NO government — anywhere — should subsidize news organizations. If a news company can’t cut it in the marketplace, too bad. Get out. People will still get news. Others will take their place, the sponsors will still be there … and no doubt consumers will find themselves at the same crossroads, wondering who and what to believe. 

I’ll leave this post on a positive note … thanks for reading. Oh. Forgot to mention I identify as a “he/him.”




  1. Dear Readers, I just tried to post this on facbook, and it appears Easton Spectator is still censored on facebook

    This post can’t be shared
    In response to Canadian government legislation, news content can’t be shared.

  2. Mr. Christopher, I know that you know just how rotten and crooked the CBC is, because of the way in which you were treated by that organization when you worked for them in Edmonton, Alberta.

    As you learned at that time, the CBC does not want anyone to know the truth of any particular issue unless it is favourable to the Canadian Liberal Party, a political government organization who to this day still controls the cheque book payments for operating expenses of every mainstream news media (MSM) outlet in Canada.

    Subsequently, add that to the fact of the money provided to the CBC and other MSM in Canada by the Canadian Liberal Party to the payments made by the Liberal Party to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO). Do Canadian citizens understand that it was the CBC and other MSM who were primarily responsible for the spreading of the propaganda on behalf of the WHO, when the WHO was directing our Federal and Provincial Medical Health Officers to provide and administer deadly and phony Covid flu vaccines to Canadian citizens.

    Also, it was the same Canadian MSM lead by the CBC who spread the false “genocide” information related to aboriginal native children at residential schools across Canada. Our glorious narcissistic and psychotic prime minister decided that this was a clear example of “genocide” and the CBC assisted by other MSM spread the news. Now that information is clearly known to be false information.

    As an example of an actual case of “genocide”. In 1994, Canada had participated with the United Nations WHO (the same criminals who just recently tried to kill us with phoney vaccines) in providing a military “peacekeeping” Force to a nation in Africa known as Rwanda. At that time in less than 6 months over 900,000 Tutsi tribe members and more than 300,000 Hutu tribe members were slaughtered by the Congolese Army. Now, I think that might be classed as a true case of “genocide”. Perhaps the CBC and our psychotic prime minister might notice the tremendous difference in the numbers.

    Notice that our psychotic prime minister, nor the CBC, or the MSM, appear to want to mention any of that information. Probably because what happened in Rwanda is a definite known “fact”, unlike the purported number of deaths at the various government operated Indian Residential Schools in Canada.

    Sort of seems like a case of very selective “news” reporting by Canada’s bought and paid for CBC and other Canadian MSM organizations.

    Unfortunately, nothing has changed over the years except the amount of monetary greed and government “control” over Canada’s citizens.

    For the record, as you know Mr. Christopher, I “identify” as a male person and as a Canadian citizen. I used to be a “proud” Canadian, but given the current state of political affairs caused by our narcissistic and psychotic prime minister and the Liberal/NDP my patriotism is declining.

  3. Thanks to all. I smile to think there are still people who’ve “worked it out.” God bless you and stay true to the facts. You have more allies than you realize.