by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford
January 16, 2025
Canada US Trade —Trump Tariffs —Smith Needed To Find A Way For a United Canada Approach
This is when real leadership or the lack thereof comes to the fore.
Smith ( not necessarily Alberta) seemed to be more interested to be in Mar a Lago than having meetings with other Premiers for a Canada approach.
However real or unreal this whole thing is it was and is touted as real.
Personal relationships must be put aside —the Country needs to speak with one voice.
This is not Federal or Provincial——this is NATIONAL.
I remember the Canada US free trade agreement—all the Provinces were involved and we all had to swallow and concede certain points and we did ———for the Nation.
The same was true with the Constitution. NL conceded on the fishery, offshore resources and Labrador Power.
So that the NATION could amend its own Constitution in the future.
As American singer Kenny Rogers sang : There’s a time to hold them and a time to fold them.
I am as anti Trudeau as anyone given my personal experience with Trudeau Sr and his anti democratic treatment of NL and have like other Canadians endured the arrogance , anti science, anti constitution behaviour of Trudeau Jr , going all the way to the SCOC , but one must in certain circumstances put the Country first, especially against a formidable new US President whose negotiation skills include seeking division in his opponent.
I listened to Mike Waltz, Trump’s new Security Advisor and was struck by his emphasis on NATO Commitments———and Canada breaking them especially the 2% GDP agreement that Canada has continually flaunted. Why Canada has not agreed to keep its commitment aggravates the US and is something that the Premiers should have insisted on being agreed to early on ——-to agree to a new border plan without the NATO issue being removed seems poor negotiating to me .
Mr. Peckford. You must stop crying about what might have been and instead deal with reality.
The ONLY other Provincial Premier who stood up with Ms. Smith was Mr. Moe from Saskatchewan.
Mr. Eby of the degenerate NDP in B.C. just sat with a goof like stare on his face, even though the American Federal and State governments have crapped all over B.C.s forest and mining industry for several years.
The Provincial NDP in Manitoba did the very same thing although they are still whining about Indigenous Natives not having potable water to drink. Yet in spite of having been given Billions of dollars to do that they still are too lazy to simply dig a water well on their property.
If you look at the photograph that was published this morning of the various political attendees at what was referred to as a collaboration meeting with our narcissistic and psychotic prime minister to discuss how to deal with the American tariff threat. About all they agreed to was to criticize Alberta’s Premier for standing up for Alberta’s industries.
Remember, that every one of these political “clowns”, except the Premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan are running their respective governments with massive deficit budgets that they can not afford to repay. As a result, they are extremely eager to impose huge “tariffs” on American goods coming into Canada. Why you ask.
Because they know that the imposition of “tariffs” are nothing more than a way to collect even more taxes from our already over-taxed citizens. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE JUST DELIRIOUS AND TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT HAVING A B,S, REASON FOR DOING JUST THAT. THIS WHOLE THING IS ALL ABOUT IMPOSING MORE TAXES ON US.
Ms. Smith had made it absolutely clear that this time Alberta was no longer willing to sacrifice any of it’s natural resources for “the good” of Ontario and Quebec, just to appease the Americans and to simply further the whims of our narcissistic and psychotic prime minister who has worked tirelessly to force our Country and Citizens into the folds and “control” of the WEF and the WHO.
That over weight lard ass Premier in Ontario is already whining about the potential loss of the auto parts industry. Somehow he forgets that the Province has been given Billions of dollars to subsidize the auto industry in Ontario that both GM and Ford have plans to shut down anyway simply because the auto industries Unions in Ontario are too expensive and too lazy. In addition, Ontario was given Billions of dollars to subsidize electrical vehicle production which collapsed in bankruptcy before anything was even built.
The Premier from Quebec was too busy still trying to count the Billions of dollars that was just transferred to Quebec by our psychotic prime minister as “equalization” payments, of which most of that money came from Alberta industry. None of it came from Quebec industries. Talk about a “bribe”.
The remaining Premiers of the Provinces East of Quebec did nothing other than just sitting there saying nothing beneficial and holding their hands out begging for more economic “crumbs” from the Federal government.
Unfortunately for Canada’s citizens, the ONLY Provincial Premiers to date who have displayed any reasonable negotiating abilities and/or skills, has been primarily Ms. Smith and the Alberta government and to a lesser degree Mr. Moe and the Saskatchewan government.
Donald Trump is a political “bully”. His whole game plan is to bluster. berate and bully his intended “victims”. That is why our Canadian side has to recognize that in order to deal with him and call his bluff. If you have been paying attention, you will understand that Mr. Trump and his Federal government administration has more on their plate to deal with then a stubborn group of Canadians.