by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


November 23, 2024

Perhaps Last Chance Lost In Canada For The Explicit Recognition Of Our Judaeo Christian Values 

I understand the Alberta Government will not insert in their new Amended Bill Of Rights presently before the Legislature the words Judaeo Christian God . The exact words they are using are ‘ the Supremacy of God.’ These are the words presently in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and which by an Alberta Judge , Judge Stevenson , has stated in 1983 that the word God did not say Christian God and therefore is interpreted not to be a Christian God. This Judge’s assertion was repeated in a SCOC  decision in 1985  .

This in face of the fact that the authors of the Charter were all Christians , knew no other God but a Christian God , and which I as the only living signatory to the Charter emphatically state,  that the authors meant a Christian God  —thought it self evident. I have stated this many times on this blog and in public forums.

What an opportunity missed!

I had proposed to the Premier of Alberta and the Justice Minister that such be done  in the amended Act . Here is part of what I recommended :

‘1. This amended Bill ‘s first Section outline that this Bill is subject to the principles of :

A. The Supremacy of God as manifested through the Judaeo Christian tradition .’

The new Amended Act also uses the words of Section 1 of the Charter which the courts have abused and which this Government had a chance to correct.

It is obvious that the Courts are eager to move the Constitution to become strictly a secular document given the examples cited above and that in every Charter decision even the ‘Supremacy of God ‘is omitted . How much greater avoidance by the Courts if the word Judaeo Christian God was in the Charter .

So, Canadians, at least in Alberta , had  the opportunity to in their Bill of Rights set matters straight and serve as a sort of jurisprudence beach head in Canada for the recognition of a Judaeo Christian God; this being the rock solid basis of our present society.

It is clear to people everywhere that one of the enduring characteristics that undergird a happy and successful society is the vibrant existence of a spiritual/moral foundation—and the most successful has been societies based on the Judaeo Christian tradition. A quick view of history and the preset state of the world is ample evidence.

In the last four years or so a virtual onslaught of actions, political and judicial , have been unleashed to destroy our spiritual and moral foundations. The lack of leadership at any level to arrest this and use our Constitution as it was intended including the Amending Formula, sadly displays a virtual wasteland.

Alberta provided hope of a resurgence of values that had made us strong.

That hope has been shattered





  1. Just look at Canada’s real flag, the Red Ensign. Note the founding nations on the right. All Christian nations. There is no “Judeo” anywhere. Canada was founded by Christians with Christian Principles.
    The “Judeos” founded their own country, with their beliefs and principles. Feel free to move there Brian if you think those principles have something to offer you that you feel missing in Canada.
    Besides, really? Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron.