To Insult The People As The Supreme Court Has Done This Past Week Is Perhaps The Aspect I Find The Most Offensive

What the Supreme Court of Canada has done is endorse an indefensible position of the Federal Courts that there is ‘ no live issue between the parties.’

As if the rights and freedoms of almost 6 million citizens are to be governed, framed by a court concocted time frame. From whence arises their omnipotence???They are servants of the people!!

And to add insult to injury to endorse the idea of these lower courts that ‘ there is no important public interest. ’

Whether the rights and freedoms of almost six million Canadians were violated by a Federal Government action is not of ‘important public interest?” Incredible!!

The arrogance and sheer gall of these robed , unelected personages dishonours all those early Canadians who fought for Representative and Responsible Parliamentary Government and demeans the hard work of First Ministers in 1980, 81, and 82 who thought then that the Judiciary would protect the spirit, intent and words of the Charter ——the Supremacy of God and the rule of law and the rights and freedoms enumerated.

On page 147 of Hannah Arendt’s book “The Origin of Totalitarianism “ the following is said:

“ A collective tyrant, spread over the length and breadth of the land is no more acceptable than a single tyrant ensconced upon his throne”

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


September 1, 2024