BC physician, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, joins Tanya Gaw on the Empower Hour to discuss multiple unlawful Bills that have been fast-tracked through the BC legislature by the NDP government, without public debate or input from experts. Bill 36 hits close to home for Dr. Malthouse and many doctors as it threatens to destroy their practice and livelihood if they do not comply with Orwellian policies. In response, Dr. Malthouse is giving presentations online and at town hall meetings throughout BC to help educate as many people as possible, not only on Bill 36 but a list of others that pose a significant threat to our quality of life and how we function on a daily basis.

Watch Weekly News Updates Part 1 and 2 for June 5, 2024
Part 1- Calls to Action, Christianity Rising, Combating Censorship, Consequences for Tyrants:
Part 2- Foreign Interference, Human Smuggling, for Votes? Gazan Refugees? Secretly, Illegally. Treason.