by Maxime Bernier

Leader – Peoples Party of Canada

June 2, 2024


Over the next few months, Canadians will see the Pride flag everywhere, and will be bombarded with woke propaganda about sex and gender.

My immediate reaction to all of this is: We don’t care “who you are and who you love, openly and proudly.”

Nobody should be “proud” of their sexuality.

Gays and lesbians aren’t discriminated anymore. Get over it!

Nobody should be “proud” either of how confused they are about their gender identity, or the mental disorders they suffer from.

The worst aspect of this Pride circus is that it isn’t about defending anyone’s rights anymore.

It’s about legitimizing radical gender ideology, normalizing obscene behaviour in public, and criminally promoting the brainwashing, sterilization, and mutilation of children.

Michael, it’s time sane Canadians stand up and say they’ve had enough.

We don’t need to have this nonsense shoved in our face for a whole season!

The People’s Party was the first party to openly oppose gender ideology and the transitioning of kids, right after it was founded almost six years ago.

We are the only party that denounces all this crazy sexual and gender politics, which all establishment parties support, including the fake Conservatives.

If you’ve had enough, help up bring back sanity to Canadian politics with a $10 donation today!

Thank you,

P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!