by John-Michael Dumais

the Defender

May 25, 2024

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

“cartel” led by the U.S. government allegedly bribed large pharmacy chains like Walgreens and CVS with billions of dollars in contracts to promote COVID-19 vaccines and not fill prescriptions for ivermectin.

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the government’s scheme to suppress the Nobel prize-winning drug using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

The article highlights the controversy surrounding ivermectin, a drug that was “baselessly maligned” by the government, media and medical establishment despite its demonstrated efficacy against COVID-19.

The authors noted former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s recent disclosure that he was taking ivermectin for long COVID — or for his COVID-19 vaccine injury, which he implied but didn’t confirm.

Cuomo admitted, “We were given bad information about ivermectin,” and asked, “The real question is, why?”

While Cuomo fell short of taking responsibility for his role in quashing the drug and shaming vaccine refusers, his reversal on ivermectin sparked a new round of debate about the broad conspiracy to suppress effective and inexpensive therapeutics during the pandemic.

Read More HERE






  1. And in Canada here it seems that Health Canada, BC Health and the rest still do not allow Ivermectin. Cause here in Canada they want to kill as many old stock Canadians that they can.

  2. See, this stuff here is why the Shermans were murdered. I am not arguing whether they were the nicest people on the planet or total pieces of you-know-what, I don’t care. From what I know, they would have completely undermined the ability to Emperor Jr and it’s cabal to rape (formerly) Canada with these body-destroying biological weapons because with their products that can (effectively) treat illnesses, it would have such drastic measures, like these kill jabs, pointless and unnecessary. They would have eradicated the notion of a scamdemic well into it’sinfancy, thus no one would be lined up to take the garbage. So, they were murdered, the RCMP were told NOT to investigate the connection between the Shermans and Trudeau and our dictatorship got a free pass to push anything and everything that wasn’t off-the-shelf stuff that could easily treat this so-called-illness.

    You can get Ivermectin at various farming and equipment suppliers, just be careful with how you use it, since it’s made for non-humans.