by Cullen Linebarger

The Gateway Pundit

May 25, 2024

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) proved once again Wednesday night that few people can match him in a battle of the wits, especially a leftist CNN talking head.

Cruz was a guest on notorious Trump hater Kaitlan Collins’s eponymous CNN show, The Source with Kaitlan Collins, to speak about the upcoming general election between Donald Trump and presumably Joe Biden. Collins thought she could trick the brilliant Cruz with a three-year-old Democrat game of gotcha on accepting fraudulent election results but got schooled instead.

Collins opened the line of questioning by mentioning how Cruz was the first to object to the questionable 2020 election results and demanding to know whether he would accept the results this time, no matter what.

Cruz rightfully pointed out that it was a ridiculous question and demanded to know whether Collins had asked a Democrat a question like this. She replied, “Of course,” but could not provide examples when Cruz asked for names.
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