(Pictured, PM Justin Trudeau with World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab on right-hand side.)

“Media silence surrounds the spurious condition of Liberal Party-World Economic Forum affiliations.”

by Brad Salzberg

May 24, 2024

On February 19th, 2022, Conservative Party of Canada MP Colin Carrie posited a question in Parliament regarding the influence of the World Economic Forum on the Canada’s political environment.

Before any form of response came back, he was cut off by New Democratic Party MP Charlie Angus, who stated that MP Carrie’s question amounted to “disinformation.”

Two and a half years later, the U.S.-based Malone Institute beg to differ:

Gathering up “data sourced from World Economic Forum (WEF) search engines and cross checked published lists, Wayback Machine archives, Wikispooks, and complementary sources,” the American non-profit organization has compiled a list of Canadian politicians affiliated with the WEF:

As published this week by Western Standard News, according to the Malone/Pharos list, the names of Trudeau Liberal cabinet ministers past and present who graduated from WEF young leaders programs include:

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