“There is no plan to end discriminatory hiring requirements for quota-bound research program — even as targets are met, Commons hears.”

by Brad Salzberg

May 13, 2024

“Canada’s budget 2024: Canada never needed hundreds of hyper-targeted anti-oppression-themed grants to function, but we’re getting it.”

You can say that again, in spades. Beneath the surface of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) ideology lies a bug in the system no one ever speaks of. Not government, nor media, or Canada’s vengeful, hyper-woke academic world.

“Canadian universities, at the direction of the federal Liberal government and the research granting agencies for which it’s responsible, have made race- and sex- based discrimination a matter of everyday business. And they don’t seem to have a plan to pare it back.”

CAP believe it, implicitly. Instituted by Canada’s Liberal government, moves such as this continue to push a poorly understood agenda of systemic social inversion.

“The current opening for a Canada Research Chair in physics (specifically, quantum sensing) at the University of New Brunswick, which has been vacant for one whole year, will not accept applications from white men. Similarly, white people can’t apply to Dalhousie’s opening for a chair in industrial engineering.

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