At Independent BC we are a team of 4 volunteers. If you want us to keep working for you, we need donations! Your donations pay for our website, posters, Town Hall meetings, and our Zoom account.

That’s it – absolutely no frills!

🙏🏻 Every single dollar helps. Please donate today! 🙏🏻

News Updates!

We have launched the IBC HUB and started the Candidate Conversation Series for candidates and those considering running as an Independent MLA this year.

Please email hu*@in***********.ca now to register for the May 21 event (see poster below).

Did you know there are now 93 ridings in BC and 93 opportunities for Independent candidates to step forward in your community and run?

Make sure you get going with your Independent Action Team and get a candidate nominated now – only 5 months to go before the election!

Contact us at he***@in***********.ca if you have questions or want us to speak with your group!

Armstrong Community Town Hall
The community of Armstrong recently held a backyard Town Hall! We were invited to attend to help educate the community about a new way to vote! Two Independent candidates were also there, and both made excellent presentations to the community! See the videos below for details.
Click the image above to view part 1.
Click the image above to watch part 2.
We are gearing up for a provincial election to be called on October 19 (that’s only 5 months away!) If you appreciate what we do, enjoy the information and content our 100% volunteer team creates and have yet to donate, please do so today.

We know times are tough and we can resolve that by working together to educate our communities and run Independent candidates across all BC ridings! We don’t like to keep asking, but we need financial support.

All funds raised, pay for our operating costs, only – so that we are not out of pocket for the website, posters, Town Hall meetings and Zoom meetings. That’s it – no frills!

We exist because of you, please make a one-time or monthly donation.


💙 We all thank you, sincerely! 💙

🙏🏻 Please Help Us, Help You and Give Today! 🙏🏻

⭐️ We are a Not-for-Profit Organization ⭐

We exist because of you. We desperately need your help.

Please make a one-time – or monthly donation. We are gearing up for a provincial election to be called in the next 6 months.

🙏 Please donate what you can – and we thank you! 🙏


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