by David Sorensen

Stop World Control

May 9, 2024

For decades there has been a nefarious agenda to dramatically reduce the world population. The infamous Georgia Guidestones, erected by a group of freemasons in the American state of Georgia, displayed that intent:

Reduce the world population to half a billion people, in balance with nature. 

Recently this diabolical monument was destroyed by an explosion, but for decades it stood erect, openly proclaiming the agenda of a select group of wealthy individuals. These entities are willing to do anything – ANYTHING – to kill all of us. Why? Because they believe they are better than us, and have a right to squash other people the same way you would smack a bug.

Within their inner circles they talk about mankind as ‘cattle’. Animals without intrinsic value. 

They themselves, on the other hand, are the so-called ‘pure’ humans. The blue blood nobility, with bloodlines that go back to ancient world rulers. These families believe they deserve to suppress everyone else, and kill at will, whenever they see fit.

They are responsible for orchestrating all major wars, where they fund both sides. They also finance both terrorists and the governments that claim to fight them. A good example is the state of Israel, which was funded and founded by the Rothschilds, a ruling dynasty within the global elites, who also funded and founded Hamas, the so-called ‘enemy’ of Israel (see this revealing film).

They always play strategic games, in order to increase their power and control. 

Their greatest fear is that the general public will become aware of their existence and operations, which is why they conceal themselves. Their strategy is to use public puppets like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, and billionaires like Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab.

People think these are their enemies, while the true masters remain hidden in the shadows.

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