Rex Murphy , Canada’s Great Wit , Passes

When a voter was asked many years ago why they did not vote for Rex in his losing attempt for a Party nomination in his native Newfoundland,  the answer to a local reporter was: I would vote for Rex if understood those big words.

But later Canada understood him as an insightful , eloquent spokesman in his various media capacities. The CBC cross country check up program gave him the opportunity to converse with Canadians of every background and from every region. And I think Rex enjoyed that interaction. And likely Canada got to appreciate his talents more in such roles rather than be trapped with a Political Party Affiliation. Additionally, his later newspaper columns were keenly anticipated , enjoyed and appreciated by Canadians everywhere.

Rex attended  Memorial University during my time there and we enjoyed English Literature both of us students in Dr. Pitt’s  Romantic Poets course . And I served on the Students Council when he was the President.

We have lost a great scribe , an independent thinker, both in short supply in today’s world.

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

May 9, 2024