“Surveys and interviews are considered low-quality evidence in medicine, but that might be misleading to the general public.”

by Brad Salzberg

April 15, 2024

“The CBC is a Crown corporation, wholly owned by the state. CBC/Radio-Canada is publicly funded through a parliamentary appropriation that is voted upon by all Members of Parliament.” 

For fiscal year 2022-2023, CBC Corporation received approximately $1.3 billion in public tax-payer funding.

As such, Canada’s queen of left-wing news dissemination tow the government line in totality. Few examples are more pertinent to our social condition than this week’s response to an unprecedented study on Transgenderism as produced in a new report titled the “Cass Review.”

Refuting its findings can be understood as par-for-the-course in what has transitioned to nasty game of systemic control of Canadian youth.

Responding to its findings, Dr. Tehseen Ladha, pediatrician in Edmonton and assistant professor at the University of Alberta, says “the review may be misleading and ignores the context of pediatric medicine — where there is often imperfect evidence.” 

Read More HERE



  1. Maybe it is time to give these puberty blockers etc to Turdeau’s kids and all the MP’s kids that promote this. Catlynn Jenner just came out and said that it was a good thing he/she did not trans gender when young.