April 5th, 2024: “Spy agency documents tabled at foreign interference inquiry show 2019, 2021 elections were targeted.”

by Brad Salzberg

April 5, 2024

According to Wikipedia, as of the year 2021, Sikhism in Canada had nearly 800,000 adherents who accounted for 2.1% of Canada’s population.

While this information is easily attainable, a related fact goes under-the-radar. Media won’t tell you, but within our political arena, Sikh-Canadians are by far the most over-represented identifiable community.

‘India, Pakistan attempted to interfere in Canada’s elections: CSIS’

April 5th, 2024: “Spy agency documents tabled at foreign interference inquiry show 2019, 2021 elections were targeted.

Not even Muslim-Canadians can boast about political representation at the level of South Asian communities. A look at ethnic representation in government speaks to the issue.

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