“New Data Shows Pharmaceutical Lobbying of Federal Government Quadrupled Since NDP-Liberal Supply And Confidence Agreement.”

by Brad Salzberg

March 27, 2024

Feb. 9, 2023–  “New data released by the Fight for Pharmacare Alliance reveals lobbyists from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries have ramped up their meetings on Parliament Hill since the confidence-and-supply agreement was signed in March 2022.”

‘New Data Shows Pharmaceutical Lobbying of Federal Government Quadrupled Since NDP-Liberal Supply And Confidence Agreement’

While mainstream media touted medical and dental plan pursuits based on the supply and confidence agreement, Liberal government-funded press organizations neglected to position the agreement in the following terms:

‘Liberal-NDP Confidence and Supply Agreement Led to Surge in Industry Lobbying’

“In the nine months following the signing of the confidence and supply agreement (CASA) a staggering three to four meetings with industry lobbyists per week, every week since the announcement of the deal.” 

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