March 18, 2024

The Department of Health and Human Services pursued faith leaders who were paid off in the spring of 2021 to push COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ on their trusting congregants. Over 20 million deaths have been linked to dangerous COVID injections worldwide.

“Faith leaders” comprised 86 of the 275 founding members of the COVID-19 Community Corps. Members were from a variety of religions, including the American Baptist Church, Catholic Charities USA, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, the Episcopal Church, the National Association of Evangelicals and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Click here for the full list.

Many faith organizations received federal money during the pandemic. For example, “American Baptist Churches in the USA” reportedly received $1.5 million in COVID-19 relief bailout money – in the form of two forgivable “loans”. Because the country was shut down for much of 2020, many faith organizations, some of whom rely on member donations to pay day-to-day costs, faced financial disaster.

America Out Loud wrote that the purpose of the ‘pandemic’ was to largely target White Western Christian nations – which had the highest vaccination compliance rates – and the highest death rates due to the ‘vaccines’.

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