by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


February 7, 2024

The Headlines Should Have Read : Crown Drops Over The Top Attempted Murder Charges Against Two Of The Coutts Four In Plea Deal!!

Even the Epoch Times fell for the headline : ‘Two of ‘Coutts Four’ Plead Guilty to Lesser Charges, to Be Released From Custody’

Funny about that .

It was the Crown who laid the charges ! Conspiring to kill police officers , the Epoch Times says.

And these exaggerated charges need to be exposed .

Plus over 720 days in jail !

Mr. Morin actually in solitary confinement for some time.

This all pre-trial detention !

And denied bail!

This is not even the rule by law over the rule of law—but concocted ideas of a flawed justice system

Obviously, the Crown realized that they did not have the evidence to prove attempted murder for we all know that if the did they would never had agreed to this plea deal .

From the Chief Justice who wrongly opined on the truckers convoy, to the many divisive words of the PM, to the unconstitutional Federal Government’s invoking of the Emergency’s Act , to the conflict of interest ridden Rouleau Inquiry , to all the unconstitutional mandates of the Provinces and the Federal Government we have a justice system in disarray.