With re-election prospects dwindling, PM Justin Trudeau is working like mad to transfer power away from the descendants of Canada’s original settler communities.

by Brad Salzberg

February 5, 2024

With re-election prospects dwindling, PM Justin Trudeau is working like mad to transfer power away from the descendants of Canada’s original settler communities.

The prime minister’s animus toward Anglophones and others of European origin is as obvious as December snow in Nunavut. From day one, Trudeau has been blatant about his personal contempt for Canadian identity and heritage.

Downplayed by media in terms of historical impact is the PM’s recent signing on the dotted-line to transfer land control of Nunavut to First Nations leaders and communities.

“Trudeau Says Nunavut Trips With Father Helped Shape His Love for Canada”

So Trudeau Jr. is celebrating his “love of Canada” through legislated disempowerment of Canadians.

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