(Pictured, Trans-fanatics PM Justin Trudeau and Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault)

According to data published by Statistics Canada, in 2021 a minuscule 0.2% of the population aged 18 and older was transgender.

by Brad Salzberg

February 3, 2024

According to data published by Statistics Canada, a scant “0.2% of the population aged 18 and older was transgender in 2021.”

Within a healthy democratic society, this fact would motivate media to drill down on reasons why a lifestyle adopted by less than 1% of the population would move centre stage among social issues in Canada.

The first thought that comes to mind for CAP relates to a basic truth: if the percentage is so miniscule, it means that non-transgendered individuals are fighting a war on behalf of those wishing to transition their natural-born sexual identity.

Remember that fascinating piece of journalism which alluded to these concepts? Neither does Cultural Action Party[est.2016], because it has never appeared in print, or among news broadcasts in media circles.

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