In 2019, the government of Australia cancelled dual citizenship in Parliament. Cultural Action Party can see why.

by Brad Salzberg

January 31, 2024

True to his nature, PM Justin Trudeau has unilaterally transformed Canada’s federal government. Like Pierre Trudeau before him, our current PM seems to believe that he has a right to rewire Canadian society to his personal liking.

That his liking stands in direct contrast to the will of the people is a moot point. As national leaders, neither Pierre or Justin have placed Canada at the top of vocational priorities.

In their stead arrived a 50-year agenda of socio-political transformation as facilitated by the Liberal Party of Canada. As a microcosm, we look to Trudeau Jr.’s current current Cabinet configuration.

Currently, at least 56 foreign-born members, 22 with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons and Senate.

Media in Canada have yet to articulate the impact of transitioning Parliament to an ersatz “United Nations” political configuration. Cultural Action Party[est.2016] take liberties to take a closer look at this “post-modern” development, and its impact on Canadian society as a whole.

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