“This is a destruction of you, and your culture, and your beliefs, and your children, and your future as a country,” Carlson said of the government’s policies.

The Post Millennial.com

January 25, 2024

During his visit to Cagary on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson urged Canadians to stand strong against the tyranny of the Trudeau Liberals, reminding the packed crowd at the TELUS Convention Centre that their rights are inviolable, and don’t change based on who the prime minister is.

The former Fox News host touched on a number of issues faced by the United States’ neighbors to the north, all of which he traced back to the current government.

During his visit to Cagary on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson urged Canadians to stand strong against the tyranny of the Trudeau Liberals, reminding the packed crowd at the TELUS Convention Centre that their rights are inviolable, and don’t change based on who the prime minister is.

The former Fox News host touched on a number of issues faced by the United States’ neighbors to the north, all of which he traced back to the current government.

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