“MAID advocates are already speaking openly about extending physician-assisted death to children as young as twelve”

by Brad Sallzberg

January 24, 2024

“Canada is only weeks away from legalizing assisted suicide for Canadians whose only underlying condition is mental illness. There are reports that assisted death is already being offered to Canadians who are suicidal.”

“And MAID advocates are already speaking openly about extending physician-assisted death to children as young as 12.”

It’s no surprise that CAP began to nail our ruling Liberal government to the wall as soon as PM Justin Trudeau signed off on the legislation. It fit the bill to perfection. Trudeau is a life-negating political despot, and to no one’s surprise, an abortion fanatic.

But is it possible, as multiple media articles are now suggesting, that MAiD practitioning has now been hi-jacked away from government?

“First, they came for the physically ill. I did not speak out. Then, they came for the mentally ill. I was not one of them. Next, they came for the children. I was not a child. Then, they came for me…”

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