A point-by-point comparison of original Liberal Party platform versus outcome tells us what we need to know about the globalist hi-jacking of Canada.

by Brad Salzberg

January 18, 2024

Major discrepancies between promised political platforms and their outcomes are in no way unique to Canada. A varying degree of promise versus fulfillment have flavoured government behaviour since the founding of democratic societies.

With this in mind, Cultural Action Party[est. 2016] dig into disparities during PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberals eight-year run as Canada’s ruling government.

The process reveals a litany of deception, some of it unintentional; most calculated for a purpose of re-inventing Canadian society in a manner that our citizenship never asked for, or endorsed.

Liberal Party Political Platform, 2015:

“Economic security for the middle class. A strong economy starts with a strong middle class. Our plan offers real help to Canada’s middle class and all those working hard to join it. When our middle class has more money in their pockets to save, invest, and grow the economy, we all benefit.”