Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred. All of it one giant coincidence, eh?

by Brad Salzberg

January 16, 2024

Consistent among revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, cultural transition existed as a core element. No finer example can be offered up than the “Cultural Revolution” as conceived by Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China.

Frank Dikötter, author of a book on the period, wrote that “Mao hoped his movement would make China the pinnacle of the socialist universe and turn him into the man who leads planet Earth into communism.”

Obfuscated by Canadian media is the idea that PM Justin Trudeau is indulging in a similar tactic, albeit in “post-modern” form.

Revolutionary success relies on penetration of a nation’s key social institutions. Government, naturally, as well as media, education, armed forces and other core elements are targeted for transformation away from their previous incarnations.

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