“Relations were strained for most of 2023, underscored by accusations from Canada that China was meddling in its elections. Now, they’re back.”

by Brad Salzberg

January 14, 2024

“Three weeks before Canada’s 2019 federal election, national security officials allegedly gave a classified briefing to senior aides from Justin Trudeau’s office, warning them that one of their candidates was part of a Chinese foreign interference network.”

“National security officials also allege that [Liberal MP Han]Dong is one of at least eleven Toronto-area riding candidates allegedly supported by Beijing in the 2019 contest.”

Considering the current polling position of PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, it should come as no surprise that Liberal Foreign Minister Melanie Joly is ramping up a return to political engagement with the government of China.

Her problem being that this time out, eleven manipulated Liberal MP victories may not do the trick. Something along the lines of 88 seats is what it may take for a successful stealing of a future federal election.

“Relations between the two countries were strained for most of 2023, underscored by accusations from Canada that China was meddling in its elections.”

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