The decision of a recent arbitration case will send shock waves through the system, writes former B.C. attorney general Suzanne Anton

by Suzanne Anton

January 5, 2024

The recent decision of arbitrator Nicholas Glass in the Purolator Canada case provides a major upset to the vaccine mandate regime.

In a Dec. 14 decision under the Canada Labour Code, Glass awarded compensation to employees who were kept too long from their positions due to vaccination status, a first in Canada as far as I can tell.

Further, he demolishes the foundation for B.C.’s current vaccine mandates for health-care workers by finding that, as of March 2022, vaccines protected from neither infection nor transmission. They had waned steadily in effectiveness.

In a province where courts and arbitrators have been quick to back the decisions of health officials, no matter how minimal the evidence, the case will send shock waves through the system.

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