Was Jagmeet Singh planted as New Democratic Party leader to ensure the success of Justin Trudeau’s woke socialist revolution?

by Brad Salzberg


January 5, 2024

The political trajectory of New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh exists as a model of “post-modern” Canadian politics. How a myopic Sikh nationalist rose to political prominence has never been properly understood by Canadian voters.

It’s a story of rampant ethno-centricism, inclusive of an odd-ball circumstances never articulated by Canadian media.

Jagmeet Singh began his political career with a run for member of Parliament in the 2011 federal election as an NDP candidate in an urban Ontario riding. Defeated by Conservative candidate Bal Gosal, Singh managed to finish ahead of incumbent Liberal MP Gurbax Singh Malhi.

“Singh ran for re-election in 2014. He beat Liberal challenger Kuldip Kular, whom Singh also ran against and unseated in 2011, as well as Progressive Conservative challenger Harjit Jaswa.

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