Thanks Justin– let us “compliment” you for being the finest destroyer our country has ever known.

by Brad Salzberg

December 23, 2023

The phrase “finish what you started” is well-known among parents attempting to instill proper values in their offspring.

In the case of the Trudeau family of Quebec, things didn’t work out that way. After instilling a base-line animosity toward Canada, it took entrenchment as prime minister for Justin Trudeau to finish what “dad” began.

To sell out the heart and soul of a western democracy is not an easy task. It takes time—decades even— to dismantle everything has Canada stood for historically.

Not that Trudeau isn’t trying his damndest to complete the task as quickly as possible. To do so, political despots must have media on their side for the purpose of successfully propagandizing a society.

We turn to what stands as an apotheosis of the degeneration of Canada: the day the leader of the Hamas terror organization personally thanked Mr. Trudeau for all he has done for them.

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