“According to the bible, it took God seven days to create the heavens and earth. In contrast, it took the Gods in Ottawa just two days to shut down Christian Heritage Month in Canada.”

by Brad Salzberg


December 18, 2023

“Feed the world…let them know it’s Christmas time again,” goes a familiar Christmas song refrain from the early 1980’s.

PM Justin Trudeau knows all about feeding the world. Each year, our Liberal government ship billions of dollars to so-called “developing nations” in the Middle East and Africa, while low-income Canadians go hungry at Christmas.

Speaking of the holiday, a motion to recognize the month of December as “Christian Heritage Month” was shut down in the House of Commons this week.

December 11th, 2023: “December could be designated Christian Heritage Month in Canada if Sarnia-Lambton MP Marilyn Gladu’s record of passing private member’s bills holds up.”

December 15th, 2023: “A motion to recognize the month of December as Christian Heritage Month was shut down in the House of Commons this week.”

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