“Australia’s net migration level peaked last financial year at 510,000 and is forecast to fall to 250,000 in 2025.”

by Brad Salzberg


December 10, 2023

“The government has revealed that Australia’s net migration level is believed to have peaked last financial year at 510,000 and is forecast to fall to more normal levels, down to 375,000 next year and 250,000 in 2025.”

By any standard within western democratic societies, this constitutes a giant drop in immigration and refugee intake. Western nations like Australia, Canada, U.K., Sweden, Germany and France have much in common in this regard.

Saddled with responsibility for problems contained in non-democratic societies, western country affiliation with the United Nations has resulted in a most ironic development.

Who’s responsible for the troubled of Syria and Somalia? Why, that would be Canada— as opposed to their “religious brethren” nations like flush-with-cash Saudi Arabia.

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