“The British government has announced new immigration rules reducing the number of people able to move to the U.K. each year by hundreds of thousands.”

by Brad Salzberg


December 6, 2023

Referencing negative impacts on healthcare and housing, the British government has announced new immigration rules it says will reduce the number of people able to move to the U.K. each year by hundreds of thousands.”

While a similar negative impact exists in Canada, don’t go looking for the Liberal government of Canada to follow suit:

“Why Immigration May Need To Rise Again”

“Immigration targets are set to normalise at 500,000 immigrants per year, until at least 2026. While this is a record-breaking number of newcomers welcomed annually it is not enough to stabilise Canada’s population.”

What else is new? For decades, successive federal governments in Canada have been preaching the gospel of low birth-rates and an aging workforce. What CBC and corporate media have failed to reference is that government had decades to remedy the problem, yet took no action to stimulate domestic birth-rates.

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