Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen an extreme ramp-up of censorship, surveillance and harassment — not unlike what whistleblower Edward Snowden warned would happen.

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

the Defender

November 26, 2023

  • “CITIZENFOUR” is a documentary about U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. It came out in 2014, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then.
  • In January 2013, documentary film director/producer Laura Poitras received an encrypted email from a stranger who called himself “Citizen Four.”
  • In June 2013, Poitras flew to meet Snowden at the Mira Hotel in Hong Kong, together with columnist Glenn Greenwald and Guardian intelligence reporter Ewen MacAskill. After four days of interviews, Snowden’s identity was made public at his request.
  • Today, Snowden’s warnings ring truer than ever. Artificial intelligence now scours social media, podcasts and videos for keywords identifying “anti-vaxxers,” for example. It doesn’t even matter if they agree with what you’re writing or saying. The mere inclusion of certain words will get you axed from the platform.
  • Next, the plan is to eliminate privacy altogether by requiring a digital identity to access the internet.

CITIZENFOUR” is a documentary about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. It came out in 2014, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then, so if you haven’t seen it, I urge you to do so.

The Snowden story began in January 2013, when documentary film director/producer Laura Poitras received an encrypted email from a stranger who called himself “Citizen Four.”

Snowden reportedly chose this codename “as a nod to three NSA whistleblowers who came before him: Bill Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe and Thomas Drake.”

Poitras had already spent several years working on a film about monitoring programs in the U.S. and had been placed on a secret watch list after her 2006 film “My Country, My Country,” a documentary about Iraqis living under U.S. occupation.

In his initial email, Snowden wrote:

“Laura. At this stage, I can offer nothing more than my word. I’m a senior government employee in the intelligence community. I hope you understand that contacting you is extremely high risk and you’re willing to agree to the following precautions before I share more. This will not be a waste of your time …

“The surveillance you’ve experienced means you’ve been ‘selected’ — a term which will mean more to you as you learn about how the modern SIGINT [signals intelligence] system works.

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