by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

November 24, 2023

Mussolini’s central Fascist doctrine: ‘Everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”

My falling out with the National Citizens Inquiry was as a result of the ethics violation inherent in the  hiring by the Government of Alberta of Preston Manning. One of the principles of the NCR was to be free from Government . Then Manning , spokesman for the NCR , does a deal with a Government .

So, from day one , from my perspective , the Provincial attempt was a very questionable effort.

Democratic – Unelected

But what made it even more unacceptable is that the elected were to be shut out of the ‘Review ‘, the ‘Inquiry. ‘

The Legislature , the elected , was to be left in the dark.

The panel would be a group of unelected ‘ experts .’ And we all know how the experts did these last few years!

No panel representative of Alberta businesses , regular , ordinary citizens, none who were negatively affected .

And , of course, there would be no public hearings by this panel.

One of the reasons for the Covid catastrophe , provincially, ( as well as Nationally and Globally) was the lack of democratic oversight!!

An excuse for public input , by the Panel, was to provide citizens the opportunity to respond online to one question .

And , would you believe , that the public comments were not disclosed , just the panel’s summary of what was said!!


And the Review panel in its terms of reference dictated that there would be no consideration of any incompetence or violations of the law, the Constitution , by the Alberta Health Service or others carrying out the wishes of the Government /bureaucracy.

Hundreds were  injured, many died as a result of cancelled surgeries, medical appointments or from the untested, experimental vaccines!

All of this done in the time of the tragic passing of Shelia Lewis, an Alberta citizen, because she exercised her rights of bodily autonomy, and as the Charter Rights and Freedoms says , ‘ life , liberty and security of the person.’

The known lie of ‘safe and effective ‘ to remain unchallenged!!

And everyone keeps their job!! Well, one at the top lost her job. But what about the hundreds if not thousands involved on implementing the covid  government actions? Any assessment here?

Here is the objective of the panel in the Terms of Reference :


The Panel’s objective is to review the legislation and governance practices typically used by the Government of Alberta during the management of public health emergencies and other emergencies to recommend changes which, in the view of the Panel, are necessary to improve the Government of Alberta’s response to future emergencies.’

So the panel was doomed from the day the terms of reference were announced.


The Panel was established by the Government —to study Government’s actions and governance. One would have thought that Legislative sanction would have been sought. Obviously , conflict of interest. Like the Federal Rouleau Failed effort, Governments investigating themselves.

The Panel members are for the most part involved with Government , directly or indirectly. The Chair , a friend of the  Premier, two University of Calgary professors , an institution that got half its revenue from Governments , over $800 million this past year . Another member is a former Professor at MacMaster University , another Government sponsored University and Mr. John Major , former Supreme Court of Canada judge . One member is with the Montreal Economic Institute, perhaps the only member without direct Government connection. I could not access the Financial Statements of the Institute except that it did report its total revenue and expenditure for 2022 and had a deficit in that year and receives money from Corporations. It should also be noted that in the annual report the Chair of the Review Panel  is mentioned as being involved with the Institute.

This is not to say that these well known people cannot be and are not independent in dealings while sitting on a Government  Review Panel. However , it is to say that it raises the perception of conflict of interest and hence raise questions of independence.

What is most unfortunate and shows the depths to which we have fallen:

A. I am unaware of any Alberta Government MLA objecting to the lack of Legislature involvement in this Provincial Review.

Nor any great uproar from the populace. Of course,  I am aware that many ordinary citizens have given up on their voice being heard.


B. The acceptance to serve by the Panel Board members , knowing the lack of democratic process and accountability inherent in the Panel ‘s terms of reference, and the ethics questions surrounding its creation.

Without reformed truly independent inquiries the actions of Governments in Canada will remain without proper examination and democratic process.



  1. Mr. Peckford. If you can quit whining long enough, please copy and paste the internet URL address for the following news article.

    As you will read from the above article, the current Alberta government under the direction of Premier Smith did something that NO OTHER GOVERNMENT, be it Federal, Provincial, or Municipal has done with regard to the review of the sham Covid-19 flu situation. Alberta actually conducted a thorough examination as to what happened and should not have happened.

    The Report has been drafted and released for public review and comment. Now, the elected officials throughout the Province, including the opposing NDP, will have an opportunity to review it, debate it, and make any necessary changes to the laws to prevent the catastrophic damage and personal control that was forced upon us in the future.

    Please note that it was the legal counsel from the National Citizens Inquiry who met and discussed the matter with Mr. Redman.

    Please tell me how you can improve upon that.