by Dr. William Makis MD 

November 23, 2023

Aug.6, 2022 – Redford, MI – 17 year old Aubrynn Grundy had 1st Pfizer mRNA on June 7, 2022 and 2nd Pfizer mRNA on June 28, 2022. She went on a school trip and started to feel sick. She suffered a heart attack in ER, was hospitalized, deteriorated rapidly and died on Aug.6, 2022. Her death was blamed on COVID-19

Aubrynn Grundy, my niece (17) is fighting for her life.

She was diagnosed with covid-19 while on a trip she earned through school. This trip was earned through a vote among teachers and students. Aubrynn and one other student were voted kindest in their school, specifically pertaining to human rights. She was picked for being kind, which makes it all the more heartbreaking.

It was an all expenses paid trip that would take her all over the country and to parts of Canada. But, after feeling sick in Canada, she had tested positive for Covid. In New York, Aubrynn was so weak and sick that my sister, Shanna, packed up the car with the family and drove the twelve hour round trip to get her.

Once home, she only got worse and her breathing was so low that they rushed her into the ER. While waiting, her breathing became faint and she collapsed on the floor. Her heart stopped for the first time.

She was put into a medically induced coma and onto a ventilator to help her breathe.

She was airlifted to Detroit Childrens Hospital where her dad, my sister and my sisters fiance would meet her. When they arrived, they were told that her heart had stopped again and that chest compressions and CPR were needed to bring her back.

Her blood pressure was so low, and her lungs so damaged, she couldn’t get any oxygen to her blood.

Her heart stopped one more time before the doctors were able to administer heart surgery, putting her on a ECMO machine to keep oxygen flowing to her blood.

Her oxygen levels rose after that, deeming the procedure a success, her body would now be able to get the oxygen it needs while also taking stress off of her lungs.

They ended the night having her stable, but still on life support. The following days were filled with uncertainties as the doctors were tasked with countless obstacles. Her body was attacking itself in every way possible.

Through all of the pain, we have celebrated small victories. She had the hiccups after being motionless for over 24 hours and we all gushed.

She has attempted to move her arms, has opened her eyes and responded to questions the best she can. And she gets grumpy if she is moved or sponged bathed 🙂

But, Aubrynn’s fight is still dire.

The medicine they have her on prevents clotting in the brain which can then block the vessels in her hands and feet. It’s a natural side effect but long term use can cause fingers and toes to die.

To save her life, doctors will need to amputate her limbs.

While Aubrynn fights, her mom and dad, (Shanna Pelton and Anthony Grundy) along side Aubrynns step dad, (Adam Carroll) are fighting with her. Because her condition is so severe at the moment, Shanna and Anthony cannot and will not leave her side.

Until things are more stable, Adam will be at home with Aubrynns three siblings.

This puts them all in a tough place as far as work, and loss of work. So, for the time being I’m asking for any and all help to take some financial stress off of this blended family.

As a family, we are overwhelmed with the love and support we have received during our darkest hour. Thank you all so much.

July 31st, 2022

As of today, July 31st, Aubrynn is still being kept under while her body fights to right itself.

She has been showing good neurological signs. When brought off sedation she follows commands with her eyes and shows signs of brain function. Her lungs are still damaged and they keep removing fluid when they can and they are treating the MRSA and the candida.

Her sweet heart is still the main focus and is showing signs of improvement, which is good. Her heart is not quivering anymore, which is amazing. Overall her numbers are still high across the board but they are coming down slowly.

Right now everything is going to be on a day by day / week by week basis.

Aubrynn will need to be amputated above the elbow on her arms and above the knee on her legs. But first her body needs to be healthy enough.

August 6th, 2022

With a broken heart, I’m devastated to update you all that Aubrynn lost her battle tonight at 7:22 pm.

Autopsy shows “Multi-organ failure” and “COVID-19”


MY ANALYSIS and a look into MEDICAL LITERATURE – other similar COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced MULTI ORGAN FAILURE CASES: