“Justin Trudeau is now in the process of leveraging conflict in the Middle East to clamp Canadians mouths shut on the internet.”

by Brad Salzberg


November 21, 2023

Arif Virani  is a Canadian lawyer and politician who has served as the minister of justice and attorney general of Canada since July 2023.

“Prior to his appointment as Minister of Justice and Attorney General, he held a number of parliamentary secretary portfolios, including to the Minister of Immigration from 2015 to 2017, and to the Minister of Canadian Heritage (Multiculturalism) from 2017 to 2018.”

A model of perfection the man is. Liberal MP Arif Virani is everything Canada’s woke globalist contingent can ever hope for, or for that matter, pray for.

“Justice Minister Arif Virani Says Online Harms Bill ‘An Absolute Priority’”

“Virani’s roots are in Ahmedabad, Gujarat[India], though he was born in [Uganda]. Virani is an Ismaili Muslim who originally came to Canada as a refugee.” 

Thanks to PM Justin Trudeau, Virani is the most powerful legal figure in our country. Now, the PM adds an additional portfolio: “Chief Officer Of Internet Censorship.”

It’s hard to believe that even with a Pierre Poilievre-Conservative Party victory, enough time would exist to revise our Liberal government’s transition of society to a pseudo-authoritarian state.

This time out, Trudeau is leveraging the conflict in the Middle East to clamp Canadians mouths shut on the internet. Here’s what Virani has to say regarding the Liberal’s systemic erosion of freedom of speech:

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