For eight years running, Trudeau has been an avatar of degenerative woke globalist policy.

by Brad Salzberg 

November 11, 2023

‘Seven Arrested During Pro-Palestine Sit-in At Justin Trudeau’s Office’

Nov. 10th, 2023: “We will not leave until these demands are met.”

Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] take them at their word. Why not, when the timeline of PM Justin Trudeau’s tenure as Canadian prime minister contains a clear demarcation.

For eight years running, Trudeau has been an avatar of degenerative woke globalist policy. His political resume reflects a litany of social division, community favouritism, and religious community bias.

That his entire ouevre is one devoid of concern for “traditional” elements of our society has never been reflected by mainstream Canadian media.

Within the polyglot structure of contemporary Canada, our Liberal government play a nasty game of “winners and losers”  Within the dynamic, media consistently obfuscate the reality of community privilege.

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