Like our Liberal government, Canadian universities are monolithic in their dedication to the promotion of LGBT politics.
by Brad Salzberg
August 6, 2023
According to an article published this week by Microsoft internet search engine, a journalism professor at the University of British Columbia has been quoted as stating that “incidents involving women uncomfortable with encountering transgender individuals in locker rooms fuel anti-trans activism.”
Why professors such as Dr. Katya Thieme want transgendered Canadians sharing locker rooms with non-transgendered females is anyone’s guess. These types are not grounded in logic. In fact, the entire transgender industry in Canada has transitioned to society’s greatest absurdity.
“Here is UBC journalism professor Dr. Katja Thieme saying children should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for seeing naked transgender individuals in locker rooms.” claims a writer at
Perhaps it’s time for these “doctors” to have their heads examined. If so, the session won’t be administered by psychiatry professors at UBC, or any other department inside British Columbia’s most “woke” university.
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