Grey Matter Podcast
A BIG WIN FOR FREEDOM! Today, an Alberta Judge ruled that public health orders enforced during the pandemic violated charter freedoms. This is a major victory and could cause ripple effects across the country.   In this case where I was a representing lawyer, (Ingram vs Alberta) the judge said because lockdown measures were issued by politicians instead of the chief medical officer, they were never valid. Former Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw previously testified at her trial that politicians made the final decision on mandates, she merely gave advice.   What will the province do?  What are the next steps for those accused of breaching public health mandates? There is much more to come. Share this amazing news and stay tuned for more updates. Read more:




  1. Respectfully, I disagree. It is a win on a technicality, it is not a directional change as the Supreme Court has already ruled that the provinces were totally justified in locking down and closing churches to prevent the effects of the non-existent pandemic. That was a devastating loss in comparison to this small win. Further, there is no remuneration planned for those that have already paid monetarily for this breach of law – they have to petition the government for the return of those tickets paid.